Also listed in detail on the Liturgy / Sacraments page.
The Sacrament of Baptism is normally celebrated during Sunday Mass, providing that liturgical norms do not dictate otherwise. Please contact the parish office to schedule an appointment, and to make arrangements for the preparations - especially if first time parents. Godparents must be practicing Catholics - who are fully initiated and have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available at St. Thomas on Saturdays: 4:00 PM PM - 4:20 PM [prior to that Evening's Vigil Mass], or by Appt.
Refer to "Examination of Conscience" to identify where you need God's absolution. Advent. ‘Reconciliation’ means a fresh start. What a perfect way to celebrate the new beginnings that the world received when God sent His Son to dwell among us. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is also scheduled at additional times during Advent. Lent “ Welcome Home to Healing” is a program often sponsored by the entire Diocese of Paterson. Every Monday evening of Lent, in every Church of the Diocese, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is available, from 7:00 p.m. till 8:30 p.m. You are particularly encouraged to make a good Confession during Lent, and are welcome to enter any Catholic Church of our diocese during those hours. We hope that all will take advantage of this special opportunity to find peace in the Lord. The schedule for those Mondays, as we need to alternate between two churches, will be posted in the church bulletin each week.
Come, receive the gift of grace & the peace God wishes for you!
First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation - is normally addressed for elementary/ middle school-age children through our Religious Education program. Older teens or adults, who may have been baptized Catholic but who have not as yet received the Sacraments of Initiation, can still receive them later in life.
Please call the Parish office and ask to be contacted by our RCIA co-coordinator, or our pastor, for further information.
Anyone who wishes to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, or a visit to receive Holy Communion [if sick, or homebound] please contact the parish. This Sacrament is available to any Catholic who is seriously ill, preparing for surgery, or may be suffering the effects of advanced age.
Couples contemplating the Sacrament of Matrimony are asked to schedule an appointment with the Pastor. These arrangements should normally be made well in advance - before other wedding arrangements are finalized.
Contact the parish office at 973-948-2296.
Sacrament of Holy Orders - anyone who feels they are being called to the Priesthood - contact the Diocesan Office for Vocations.
For info contact Vocations Director, Rev. Ed Rama, at 973-777-8818 Ext. 715 or email