Mike Milligan was acknowledged for his many years of service
to our Parish and to our local KOC Council on June 25th, 2023.
L-R : Rev. Wayne Varga -Pastor; Mike Bussow - Financial Secretary; Grand Knight Vincent Owens; Past Grand Knight Mike Milligan & wife, Meg; Omar Mendez - Treasurer ;
Deacon Wayne VonDoehren - Recording Secretary; Deputy Grand Knight Bruce Territo.
On Thursday, July 13th, 2023, Sister Stan shared her remarkable story with us of starting a mission and orphanage (Nazareth Home for God’s Children) in Northern Ghana. Sister presently cares for more than 100 orphaned “spirit children”, i.e. children who are considered disposable because of their physical impairments or other circumstances. www.sisterstanschildren.org/sisterstan.html