We are grateful for your support of our churches.
Online Giving allows you to make contributions to either parish, without physically writing out checks or having to be concerned about remembering to carry cash for donations.
This system lets you set up automatic contributions. One can change the timing or the amount of your designated gift at any time. You are emailed in advance of the withdrawal.
You can sign up online to give any size offering to assist the parish. These can be scheduled for dates in advance; for regular weekly Sunday offerings - that can be set to post automatically, or one can arrange for one single monthly offering.
You can also make one-time donations towards our other Diocesan Assessments or any special monthly requests, or towards any another donation you may wish to offer.
Kindly add the pertinent information for these others in the "Notes", so the office is clear as to what your donation is to be applied towards.
To open an account / to donate online - please go to the Side Column shown at the top left and titled Online Giving.
Click on either "St. James" or "St. Thomas" to donate towards either parish.
To register, once there, go to the "SIGN IN / CREATE ACCOUNT" in the top right corner of the webpage that opens, and complete your account registration.
Thank you!